Thursday 30 April 2009

Thursday 30 April 2009

Been really bad at updating my blog this week - but will try to catch up .....

After my 16 mile walk on 18 April my feet were sore!!! I did however manage to walk to work twice that week I think on the Monday and Wednesday, but my feet were suffering, so I decided not to walk on the Friday as originally planned and gave my feet a few extra days to recover! I'm really glad I did.

On Sunday, 26 April, I set off again for another 16 mile walk, same route as before. I smothered my feet in Vaseline and used powder in my socks to try to keep them cool. The weather was really hot, well it felt really hot to me!!!! I felt sorry for all those people doing the London Marathon that day. When I stopped at my sister in laws, at about 8 miles, I covered my heels with the Compeed Anti Blister Stick. Anyway all was going well, until again at the 14 mile mark, my feet started to get sore! By the time I got home I felt as if I could hardly walk!!!! I think my main problem is how to prevent blisters, I feel that if I could do that then everything else would be okay (well that's my theory!!!!) My legs were also very achy again that evening, not bad as long as I kept moving, but when I'd been sitting for a while it was difficult to get moving again!!!!

Well that evening I once again got on the Internet and did some more research! I've ordered the Troo North insoles and some socks with very padded heels (which is the area I keep getting blisters), can't remember the make, but they were recommended by a few people in the Facebook Walk the Walk Group. I hope these will help and hope to give them a try out this weekend.

Surprisingly the next morning I didn't feel too bad, I'm encouraged by the fact that my recovery time is quick!!!

I decided that this week I would try walking home from work rather than walking to work, the early mornings are getting to me! I got a lift into work on Tuesday and I almost gave in and took up the offer of a lift home, I underestimated how tired I would feel after a day at work! Anyway I was good and set off. It did feel hard going though and to make things worse after I'd been walking for about one and half miles it started raining and also, as usual, I needed the loo!!! Partly because of the rain and mostly because I wasn't sure I would make it to the next loo stop, I decided to jump on a bus! It wasn't as bad as it sounds though (honest) I only travelled about a mile by bus, to Hornchurch where I was able to use the toilet and then carried on and walked the rest of the way home... When I worked it out on the map my run website, I found that I had still walked 5 miles so I was not too disappointed with myself!!!!

I plan to walk on Saturday, probably only about 8 miles (strange how 8 miles seemed a long way not too long ago!!!) and then the LONG one on Bank Holiday Monday, 20 miles......

I'm planning to go shopping after work on Friday, I need to get a bum bag, some more track suit bottoms and I think I'll also look out for ideas for decorating my bra, I've got no idea what to do with it yet.....

Will try to update my blog as I do my walks this weekend, it's much easier that way.

Not long the big day (night) and I'm starting to get quite nervous about it, hopefully I'll feel better (or worse!) after the long 20 mile walk on Monday!!!

Happy walking ......

Sunday 19 April 2009

Sunday 19 April 2009

I walked to work as planned on Wednesday morning, but found it more difficult than usual, my legs felt very "heavy"!! I put this down to the long walk on Monday. Still got there in the usual time, may be a couple of minutes faster!!

Later that day my husband phoned me to let me know that he had fallen from a roof, but was okay, even though the ambulance was taking him to hospital!!!! He was quite non-plussed about it and told me not to worry and he will let me know what was going on later, so when I put the phone down I think I was in a bit of shock and it took a few minutes for it to register what he had said to me!!! Of course it's sods law, for something to happen on the day I have no car at work!! Eventually I realised that I had to get to see him, to find out exactly what was going on. A very helpful colleague took me home so I could pick up my car and off I went to the hospital. Anyway to cut a long story short, he didn't break any bones, has a very nasty gash to his arm - 13 very large stitches.... All in all he was very lucky and they did keep him in overnight "just in case"... He's recovering a bit now, getting a little more mobile every day.

I had planned to walk to work on Friday too, however with these events above, I gave it a miss - just didn't feel up to it.

After an early night on Friday though, I pushed on with the training and did the 16 mile walk planned for this weekend. It took me 4 hours 50 mins actual walking time, which is still about 3.5 miles per hour, don't think I'm going to get much quicker, especially over the long distances. It was very warm here in the South, lovely for walking, but my feet did suffer. At about the 13 mile walk I could feel my heels getting sore, blisters ...... I think I'm putting this down to my feet being very hot. I will need to take a spare pair of socks on the night of the Moonwalk, although I'm not expecting it to be hot during the night!!! Managed to complete the walk .. although my legs did ache and my feet were sore. Feel much better this morning and have been researching about blister prevention on the internet, few remedies to try out there. So much so, that I have decided to walk to work again tomorrow morning, I've found some pressure pads in the first aid box, so I'm going to use them on my heels - hopefully this will help.

This weekend is Greek Easter, so today we are going to my husband's parents for a celebratory Easter dinner (my husband's mum is Greek). I will be driving, so no alcohol for me today, which is just as well really!!! So once again Happy (Greek) Easter to you all ....

Monday 13 April 2009

Monday 13 April 2009 (Bank Holiday)

Surprised myself and managed to do the 14 mile walk today! Was a struggle to get going this morning, but finally left the house a 9.30 am. Weather was a bit dismal at first, but stayed dry and for the last 3 miles or so, the sun was shining. It took me 4 hours 15 mins actual walking time, had to do a couple of "comfort" stops, but tried to make these as quick as possible this week!!!! I worked my speed out at about 3 and a half miles per hour, which, over 14 mile, I don't think is too bad.

Well I managed to walk 14 miles, that is quite a good psychological boost, because it is more than half way...... although I have wondered why we didn't just enter for the half moon on more than one occasion today!!!!

Feel a bit achy and my feet are a bit sore, but all in all don't feel too bad.

Still right on track which the training programme. Bumped into an old friend today and she offered to do some of the training walks with me, think I will take her up on it, be good to have company and also a offer a chance for us to catch up on old times....

Well .. the next walk planned is another 6 mile walk to work on Wednesday morning. Hope I've stopped aching by then!!!!!

Sunday 12 April 2009

Sunday 12 April 2009

Happy Easter everyone x

Did 8 mile yesterday and surprise surprise Laura (my daughter) joined me..... think she's finally realised that she needs to do some walking before the big day (night!).

Time was quite good we did it in about 2 hours 40 mins which included two loo and food stops!! (three if you include the stop at the cash machine).

Next walk planned for Monday - 14 miles.... off to plan my route.

Friday 10 April 2009

Friday 10 April 2009 (Good Friday)

Did my 6 mile walk to work on Wednesday - took me 2 hours with a loo and sweetie stop at Sainsbury's on the way. Felt quite "easy", and will be doing more of these up to the Moonwalk and maybe even beyond!!

Did plan to do a 8 mile walk today, however I stayed at a friends last night and had a bottle of wine and too many Irish Coffee's! No hangover, but don't think it would be a good idea to walk today. Still got a day to play with, and will do my 8 mile walk tomorrow and I have a 14 mile walk planned for Easter Monday. No more drinking for me this weekend!!!!

Happy Easter everyone!!!

Sunday 5 April 2009

Sunday 5 April 2009

Today was the day for my 12 mile walk. Realised I have to cut back on the alcohol, again!!! at least until the Moonwalk is done. Honest I'm not an alcoholic, but I'm really realising the effect alcohol has on the body now that I'm in training for the Moonwalk. Had far too much to drink on Friday night again and so my body was still feeling very lethargic and bloated first thing this morning.....

However, by 12.30 pm I decided to go for it. What lovely weather for a 12 mile walk.... All was going well until about 2 miles from home I became desperate for the loo!!!, probably another effect of too much alcohol, or perhaps I shouldn't have had that extra cup of tea!!! I was still a good mile away from the scheduled loo stop in Sainsbury's so I decided to do a short detour into the local park, where I remembered there was some toilets near the cafe, but then horror - the loos had been closed!!!! Oh no what should I do??? Well what I decided to do was phone my daughter to take me home, which luckily she did. Not sure how I'm going to cope with the loo situation on the night .... I'm sure it's more psychological than anything else, as soon as I start walking I need to go!!!!

Anyway, it was about 2 pm when I got back on route, my daughter dropped me off where I'd made the detour and off I went again.. I carried on, stopped at Sainsbury's and bought sweeties - and continued on the planned route. Next stop was at a friend's house at about the 7 mile mark, again for a toilet stop. I was here about 20 mins, well you can't just pee and go!!!! Next stop was at about 9.5 mile mark, again at another friends for loo stop, didn't really need to go but thought I should as I had the chance, again about another 20 mins stop. Time was now getting on and I had bbq'd fish waiting for me at a neighbours house, so I decided to shave just a little bit off my walk because the the time. When I got home I checked the stop watch - which showed 3 hours 20 mins actual walking time. Even though I had actually been out for about 4 and half to 5 hours....

I got showered, and went to my friends for a lovely meal and a small glass of wine - well two but that's all!

Having checked the actual mileage on map my run I find that I did 11 miles and I'm very happy with that - still felt that I could have walked more, which is just as well really!!!!

Feel slightly achy now, but I'm going to give my feet a nice relaxing pedicure in a mo...

Next walk scheduled for Tuesday, when I plan to walk the 6 miles to work.

Thursday 2 April 2009

Thursday 2 April 2009

Was very disappointed with myself at the weekend - didn't manage to do the 10 miles training walk - not because I couldn't manage the extra two miles - no due to being hungover on Saturday ....... Had a very good night out on Friday though!

Sunday I was out all day at The Vitality Show at Earls Court 2, guess I did a lot of walking but not 10 miles!!!! Had a really good day out though - lots of good healthy food and ideas about keeping fit and losing weight and ....... a CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN - maybe I'm just not cut out to be healthy, ha ha. Bought myself some new trainers - and they are very comfortable what a good buy.

Walked 4 miles on Tuesday morning before work and walked to work today - over 6 miles. Felt fine - luckily we have a shower at work so was able to get refreshed when I got there. Most people at work now know about me doing the Moonwalk so I'm going to take in my sponsorship form in tomorrow and try to get the fundraising started!!!!

Next walk is 12 mile planned for Sunday morning - think that will be tough ..... I'll let you know how it goes.