Sunday 19 April 2009

Sunday 19 April 2009

I walked to work as planned on Wednesday morning, but found it more difficult than usual, my legs felt very "heavy"!! I put this down to the long walk on Monday. Still got there in the usual time, may be a couple of minutes faster!!

Later that day my husband phoned me to let me know that he had fallen from a roof, but was okay, even though the ambulance was taking him to hospital!!!! He was quite non-plussed about it and told me not to worry and he will let me know what was going on later, so when I put the phone down I think I was in a bit of shock and it took a few minutes for it to register what he had said to me!!! Of course it's sods law, for something to happen on the day I have no car at work!! Eventually I realised that I had to get to see him, to find out exactly what was going on. A very helpful colleague took me home so I could pick up my car and off I went to the hospital. Anyway to cut a long story short, he didn't break any bones, has a very nasty gash to his arm - 13 very large stitches.... All in all he was very lucky and they did keep him in overnight "just in case"... He's recovering a bit now, getting a little more mobile every day.

I had planned to walk to work on Friday too, however with these events above, I gave it a miss - just didn't feel up to it.

After an early night on Friday though, I pushed on with the training and did the 16 mile walk planned for this weekend. It took me 4 hours 50 mins actual walking time, which is still about 3.5 miles per hour, don't think I'm going to get much quicker, especially over the long distances. It was very warm here in the South, lovely for walking, but my feet did suffer. At about the 13 mile walk I could feel my heels getting sore, blisters ...... I think I'm putting this down to my feet being very hot. I will need to take a spare pair of socks on the night of the Moonwalk, although I'm not expecting it to be hot during the night!!! Managed to complete the walk .. although my legs did ache and my feet were sore. Feel much better this morning and have been researching about blister prevention on the internet, few remedies to try out there. So much so, that I have decided to walk to work again tomorrow morning, I've found some pressure pads in the first aid box, so I'm going to use them on my heels - hopefully this will help.

This weekend is Greek Easter, so today we are going to my husband's parents for a celebratory Easter dinner (my husband's mum is Greek). I will be driving, so no alcohol for me today, which is just as well really!!! So once again Happy (Greek) Easter to you all ....

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