Monday 4 May 2009

Monday 4 May 2009

I did it - woopeeee!!! who would have thought 6 months ago that I could walk 20 miles, certainly not me! I was hopeful, but not sure! Well today I did it.

Last night I worked out a 20 mile walk on mapmyrun, took me quite a while to do, but when I came to save it it didn't save!!! Was annoyed as I'd worked out a few different twists and turns to keep things new. Anyway I couldn't remember it and didn't have the patience to do it again! So I decided to join together what I know to be a four mile walk and a known 16 mile walk!

I set off at 8.45 am and got back at 3.45 pm - 7 hours, but that did include quite a lot of stops, one at big Tesco's for a bottle of water and a banana (breakfast), small Tesco's for packet of sweeties and loo stop, Sainsbury's for a loo stop (I find it difficult to pass a loo!! ha) then a longer stop at my sister in laws for a change of socks and plaster stop (at about 12 miles), stopped at Sainsbury's again for a breakfast bar and loo and then one last stop at Superdrug to pick up more supplies of Compeed Blister Plasters!! I guess you can take off at least 1 hour for all these stops, maybe more.

Anyway however long it took me - I'm just really pleased I managed to finish.

Blister report - despite all the precautions mentioned in previous post - I still got my blisters and sore heels. However they didn't get sore until 18 miles which is an improvement! This coincided with a text of encouragement from Bob from work which really helped and got me through the last couple of miles - thank you Bob.

Not sure what else to try to prevent blisters, I know a lot of people are having problems with this. Any hints please let me know!!! Perhaps I'll just wrap my whole heel up in a bandage!! ha.

Well down time now .... not long to the big night. Need to concentrate on bra decorating now!!

Happy decorating fellow walkers xxxx

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